Guardian Ad Litem

In child custody and visitation cases, the court often appoints a Guardian ad Litem. The Guardian ad Litem is an attorney whose role is to represent to the court what they believe is in the best interest of the child. The Best Interest of the Child In Virginia, the court always makes decisions about childrenContinue reading “Guardian Ad Litem”

What is a Nesting Agreement?

In a separation or divorce, maintaining as much stability and normalcy for children should be a priority. A great way to do that for parents who have the means is by reaching a nesting agreement. Nesting or bird nesting is when the children remain in the marital house, and the parents take turns living inContinue reading “What is a Nesting Agreement?”

What are the types of Custody?

Legal Custody Legal Custody refers to the ability to make important decisions on the child’s behalf. These decisions include choices about medical care, education, and religious beliefs. Joint legal custody is when both parents have the ability to make these types of decisions and therefore must discuss the possible choices and then they must agreeContinue reading “What are the types of Custody?”